
Colour is an important part of expressing brand identity. Our bold black, red and white colour scheme helps us stand out and be recognised.

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If you're working on digital or printed material, show this information to your designer. These colour codes and usage outlines explain exactly how our colours should be used.

Colour // Primary Palette

Our primary colour palette consists of black, red and white.

The colour palette is a core element of the Thermann brand. The mentioned breakdowns must be used for all materials to ensure colour is as consistent as possible.

  • Black
  • #000000
  • C0 M0 Y0 K100
  • R35 G31 B32
  • Red (PMS 485 C)
  • #DA291C
  • C0 M95 Y100 K0
  • R218 G41 B28
  • White
  • C0 M0 Y0 K0
  • R100 G100 B100
Colour // Usage

Each colour has its own purpose within the Thermann palette.

Black is our base colour

Our red Thermann ‘A’ and product imagery stand out well on black backgrounds and our droplet imagery.

We predominately use black as our background on key materials such as:

  • Brochure covers
  • Billboards
  • Flyers
  • Slat walls
  • Promo items

All our material should have a touch of white

White headings stand out perfectly on our black backgrounds.

Our long form and content-heavy documents are always on white.

Use red for headings and call outs

We use red elements to create graphic impact and to draw attention to important details

For example:

  • Red Thermann ‘A’
  • Red headings
  • Red call outs like a banner or a button